A healthy twist on classic and delicious Empanadas? Yes please! Enjoy this recipe for Sweet Potato and Spinach Empanadas from the new cookbook Sweet Laurel Savory: Everyday Decadence for Whole-Food, Grain-Free Meals: A Cookbook. Find the recipe for Sweet Potato and...
Love hamburgers but want a plant-based option? Try this recipe for ‘Our Favorite Vegan Burger’ from the new cookbook Sweet Laurel Savory: Everyday Decadence for Whole-Food, Grain-Free Meals: A Cookbook. Find the recipe for ‘Our Favorite Vegan...
If you’re looking for something quick and easy yet healthy to eat for dinner, try this recipe for Llubav’s Green Spaghetti from Julia Turshen’s new cookbook, Simply Julia: 110 Easy Recipes for Healthy Comfort Food. Find the recipe for Llubav’s...
This recipe for Triple Carrot soup is good for more than just your eye health, carrots can improve your skin, blood sugar levels and may boost your immunity. Find more recipes like this from the new cookbook Simply Julia: 110 Easy Recipes for Healthy Comfort Food. ...
This superb, brain-healthy meal is from WAM Scientific Advisory Council member Dr. Mark Hyman and his latest cookbook “Food: What the Heck Should I Cook?” Golden Cauliflower Caesar Salad This savory salad is an amazing dairy-free alternative to a...