My mom was diagnosed w/ early onset Alzheimer’s Disease when she was 58 and I was 21. For the past 5 years I’ve had the privilege of being Mom’s “primary caregiver”. In Mom’s brain, the synaptic connections between neurons can no longer communicate. Because of this, Mom needs me. She relies on me to help her with “activities of daily living” which were once so simple and easy for her. Despite these challenges, our relationship continues to strengthen and we celebrate the health of Mom’s spirit and the love that radiates from her. From our experiences, my brother and I have been empowered, and we have founded a virtual reality company named Zenjoi. Inspired by Mom, we have created various experiences ranging from playing fetch w/ a virtual puppy to cognitive and physical exercise. While many will be quick to correct me and tell me it can’t be done, I hope to cure Mom of this dreadful disease. But until then, we, like millions of others will continue to “dance with Alzheimer’s disease” and we will not let it take away our peace and joy!