“Nominated by her daughter Courtney: For eleven years, my mom tirelessly cared for my dad, Mike, as he bravely fought Young Onset Alzheimer’s Disease. He was diagnosed at age 36, just as our family was starting to grow. Alzheimer’s hurt us all physically, emotionally, and financially, but through it all, my mom remained a source of inspiration and hope, and she did everything with a smile and a laugh. Her advocacy began on the home front: she was determined to get my dad the best care possible with the limited funds we had to work with. She succeeded, and we were able to care for my dad at home throughout his illness. She soon took her advocacy to a whole new level as she started speaking out on numerous TV, radio, and newspaper programs. Her work with the Alzheimer’s Association, as well as local care organizations, has earned her numerous awards and recognitions, but that’s not the goal for her. Her goal is to help create a world without Alzheimer’s so that no other families like ours will have to face this disease. She genuinely is an inspiration.”