My name is Jane and I am the second of four daughters. My sisters and I have a very strong sister-friendship as well as closeness in age, 59, 58, 57 & 55 years old. A week after our (my twin) brother’s memorial service, my younger sister Kim (age 57) was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease, which was four years ago. She has no children and her primary caregiver & supportive husband is 18 years older. Despite the supplements, hormonal treatments, eastern medicine, holistic methods, emotional roller coaster, protective family support & interactions and organic & wholesome diet, Kim continues to progress quickly. One of the big challenges has been the lack of her age group support. My sisters, brother-in-law, family members and I have all been educating ourselves, looking for test trials, and doing what we can to provide our help, support and love. As we have learned like many others affected by Alzheimer’s, this disease is full of heartfelt companionate helplessness…We’re also a family of strong faith, belief in the power of prayer and the good vibes of positive energy & thinking. I have been looking for something to do, support, give back and continue to learn and be apart of something bigger to help make a difference… I would like to find some kind of reason as to “Why” this is happening to my beautiful, lovely, kind, generous, smart sister Kim… where does this lead me? What is the good out of all this heartbreak?