“Fifty million people worldwide are living with dementia today—more than the population of Spain—and the number is estimated to increase to 152 million by 2050. With a chronic shortage of neurologists, currently only 1000 worldwide who specialize in Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia treatments, it means getting accurate diagnoses and the right treatment is hard—and with the projected increase in dementia cases, it will only become harder. There are more than 15 types of dementia with varying types of care recommendations required. As a geriatric neurologist, entrepreneur and chief executive officer and founder of Neurocern, a neuroinformatics platform that improves the longevity and quality of life for patients with dementia and other neurological conditions, I am in the fight to facilitate early and accurate detection and empower families with right information on the various types of neurodegenerative diseases and caregiving tools to increase longevity and improve quality of life. Accurate and early detection is critical because it delineates the appropriate methods of care, enables prompt treatment and potential management of symptoms with medication or other interventions to slow the disease—and in about 10% of cases—reverse it.”